Valoisampi huominen alkaa meistä kaikista, nyt.
Me CooperVisionilla ryhdymme ylpeinä toimenpiteisiin toimiaksemme kestävämmin ja pyrkiäksemme minimoimaan mahdollisen ympäristövaikutuksemme. Helpottamalla materiaalien vastuullista hankintaa,1 käyttämällä jätteen uudelleen silloin, kun voimme*2 ja aloittamalla sellaisten tuotteidemme ja pakkaustemme jätteiden, joita ei vielä voida kierrättää, kompensoimisen ryhdymme toimiin planeettamme hyvinvoinnin parantamiseksi.†2

A brighter tomorrow starts with all of us, today.
* CooperVision's 2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report.
† Refers to CooperVision's plastic neutrality initiative with Plastic Bank.
‡ Refers to continuous manufacturing improvement processes undertaken by CooperVision to increase efficiency.
§ Natural resources are defined as but not limited to water, nitrogen, natural gas and other organic compounds.
| Renewables are defined as materials or energies that can be sustained indefinitely because of inexhaustible supplies or new growth.
¶ CooperVision uses renewable materials and energies in its manufacturing operations.
** CooperVision’s manufacturing processes are designed to adhere to CooperVision’s internal energy goals and design specifications.
†† Refers to CooperVision's plastic neutrality initiative with Plastic Bank and local community beach clean-up efforts.
1. CVI data on file, 2024.
2. CVI data on file, 2023. CooperVision Supplier Code of Conduct.
3. CVI data on file, 2023.
4. Stegmann, P., Daioglou, V., Londo, M., van Vuuren, D. P., & Junginger, M. (2022). Plastic futures and their CO2 emissions. Nature, 612(7939), 272–276.
5. CVI data on file 2020-2023, including Zero Waste to Landfill Report by Manufacturing Site indicating reclamation efforts by waste stream (2022).